Last week on my work in progress post, I showed the back that I’d pieced for my Forest Friends quilt. Today I’ll share a quick post about how I pieced the back so that it was almost impossible to see where I’d joined the pieces of fabric in order to make the back big enough for the quilt.
To start, I measured and cut one piece the length I needed… which for the Forest Friends quilt was 54 1/2″.
Then I trimmed the selvages off that piece and the remaining length of fabric as well.
Next I pressed under 3/4″ on one long side of that second section of fabric making sure to get a nice crisp folded edge.
The two pieces were then laid out on my cutting table and I carefully matched and pinned each leaf after first matching up where the print repeated itself along the fabric. (When I purchased the fabric I ordered several inches more than I needed to make sure that I would be able to match the repeat.)
Then I hand basted the two sections together using a ladder stitch.

When all the pins have been removed and the fabric folded over with right sides together, you end up with a running stitch that runs the length of the crease in the second section of fabric. Sew along that basted line.
Trim off any excess fabric.
Press the seam open and then check the right side to make sure that the print still matches up. There was one section where I had sewn on the wrong side of the basted line. I had to unpick it and resew.
Once I was satisfied that I’d matched the leaves as best as I could, I removed the basting stitches. You have to look really closely to see the seam.
After the two sections were joined, I trimmed the second section to the correct length and then cut the finished piece to the width I needed (48 1/2″.)
June 21, 2015 11:49 amThank you for sharing this method. I always find it difficult to match fabric. You make it look easy.
Mary Anne
June 10, 2015 3:39 pmCertainly looks to be time-consuming, but the end result makes it definitely worthwhile.
Amy, a redeemed sheep
June 10, 2015 8:54 amThank you for taking the time to share how to do this!
June 10, 2015 8:26 amIt came out perfectly! Thanks for the tutorial.
June 10, 2015 6:08 amGénial!
Merci pour ce tutoriel
Christine B.
June 10, 2015 4:44 amGreat tutorial and great results! You can’t see the join at all! 🙂 x
June 10, 2015 4:05 amWell worth the effort involved – a good job!
Quilter Kathy
June 9, 2015 11:16 pmGreat ideas! And you reminded me that I have that pretty fabric in my stash!
June 9, 2015 11:14 pmWow what a great tip. I have been trying to figure out how to piece the back of my grandson’s graduation quilt. Comes at a perfect time. Thanks
Doris McCarty
June 9, 2015 9:26 pmThank you for showing your work. I adore that backing it’s pretty enough to be the front.
June 9, 2015 7:51 pmExcellent match and not all that difficult to do. Thanks for sharing.
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